Meet the Pacer - Stephen Walker from North Belfast Harriers

12 January 2020

“Be consistent with your weekly long run.  Use the long run to find out what nutrition and running kit works best for you, and apply that on Marathon day.”

Meet the Pacer - Stephen Walker from North Belfast Harriers

Introducing Stephen Walker from North Belfast Harriers!

Stephen is one of the Official 4 hour Pacers for the 39th Deep RiverRock Belfast City Marathon.

We have 16 pacers taking part on Sunday 3rd May 2020 with pacing times starting at 3 hours...and BRAND NEW for 2020...pacers for 4 hours 45!

The full pacing line up can be found here:

Get to know YOUR pacer! Keep an eye out on here every Sunday when we will introduce each of our pacing team :) 

