Training Motivation Tips from YOUR Charles Hurst Pacers
31 July 2024
Participating in a half marathon is a remarkable achievement that requires dedication, perseverance, and the right mindset. As the 2024 Moy Park Belfast City Half Marathon approaches on the 22nd of September, you may be seeking different ways to keep motivated and consistent throughout your training . We reached out to some of the members of your Charles Hurst Pacing Team, a group of experienced runners who are not only seasoned runners but also passionate about helping others achieve their running goals.
Eimear, Donald, Dawn and Liz have shared with you some amazing ways to keep inspired and motivated throughout your 2024 Moy Park Belfast City Half Marathon training.
1.Running with others
One of the most powerful motivators is the sense of community that comes from running with others. Joining a running group or training with friends can provide the encouragement you need to stay committed, here’s what your Charles Hurst Pacing Team has to say…
‘You should investigate a running club local to you or a weekly group meet up as you will learn so much from others and committing to meeting at a certain time each week will keep you accountable’
- Eimear
‘Train with friends or join your local running club- it’s much easier to run with a group than run solo, and you’ll find others running for the Moy Park Belfast City Half Marathon and aiming for a similar goal time to you’
– Donald
Follow the link below find a running club to check out running clubs you can get involved with in your area;
2. Track your progress
Tracking progress can be highly beneficial, seeing your improvements over time can be incredibly motivating. It can allow you to set realistic goals and see how far you've come, here is how your Charles Hurst Pacers track their progress through training;
‘Keep a training diary or sign up for free apps like Strava, Runkeeper etc. to monitor your progress’
- Donald
‘Apps like Strava or Garmin are excellent and you can see what other people are doing and seeing people working hard strives you on to work hard yourself’
- Eimear
‘Follow a training plan for your race…ticking off each completed session feels good!’
- Liz
‘Races are a great way to challenge yourself a little but further than what you would do alone’
The Runna App is another great way to track your progress throughout your training, it provides you with a tailored training plan and additional tips on nutrition and strength training. You can use the code BELFASTMARATHON25 for 2 weeks free!
Click the link below to download the Runna App:
2024 Belfast City Half Marathon training plans | Runna
3.Celebrate your goals
Celebrating mini-achievements as well as big ones keeps you motivated by consistently giving yourself positive reinforcement. It reminds you that every step you take is a step closer to your end goal of crossing the finishing line at Ormeau Park on September 22nd.
‘I do a lot of hill walking ; it’s always a good idea to stop sometimes and instead of looking at the summit ahead look behind at how far you’ve come, training for a race is the same- look at how you’re managing the bigger distances now than when you signed up for the race and how much better you feel!’
‘Plan to have a treat after you have completed your session!’
‘I remind myself of how good I will feel once I do the run’
Running with others, tracking your progress, and celebrating your goals, encourages you to stay motivated and make the most out of your overall training experience . The Charles Hurst Pacing Team is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring that you not only reach the finish line but also enjoy your experience at the 2024 Moy Park Belfast City Half Marathon. We wish all participants all the best with training and see you on September 22nd!